Police report light activity over holiday


Williamston police reported light activitiy during the Thanksgiving weekend. Among incidents reported were:

Nov. 30 – Dennis Earl Prince, 60, 32 Knight St,. Williamston reported a trailer valued at $1600 stolen from the property. Cpl. L. E. Mulz investigated.

Nov. 28 – Jonathan Ryan Kelly, 28, 216 Williamston Court, reported $20 taken from a table in his apartment. A suspect named in the report denied taking any money. The case was to be presented to Judge Woodson. Sgt. K. J. Winn investigated.

Nov. 26 – Stephanie Minor, 110 Parker St,. Williamston resported the use of a stolen/lost debit card at the Marathon Petro Station on Anderson Dr. in the amount of $63.81. Lt. K. Ebernickle investigated.

Nov. 26 – James Michael Hanrahan, 55, 100 Near Lake Circle #47, Seneca was placed on trespass notice for House of Pizza, 14 N. Hamilton St, Williamston after repeatedly coming into the business and harassing an employee. Lt. K. Ebernickle investigated.

Nov. 15 – Sochan Rumthao, 46, Seneca reported a fence valued at $100 removed from property at 41 Market St. in Williamston. J. Rogers investigated.