Hospitality Tax funding events, projects


Williamston’s Hospitality Tax has become the source of funding for a number of organizations, events, festivals and projects since it was implemented several years ago.

The town’s hospitality tax is a two percent sales tax on prepared food and drinks purchased at convenience stores and restaurants in the town limits. It is designated and restricted to be used for promotion, tourism and recreation related expenditures.

The fund averages collections of approximately $15,000 each month , amounting to more than $160,000 for the entire year.

The Town’s proposed budget for 2014-15, which is currently being discussed and will be voted on by June 30, has estimated hospitality tax revenues of $160,000.

Proposed expenditures from the fund for upcoming budget year include:

Contingency and Park Upkeep $9,750; Christmas Parade $1400; Cemetery Committee $2500; Boo in the Park and Historic Commission $1000; Spring Water Festival $10,000; July 4th $9000; GWBA Easter Egg Hunt $500; Pig in the Park $5000; Stage repairs $10,000; Security and Cleanup for events $10,000; Veterans Day $1000; Memorial Day $1000; Homestead Festival $3000; Defenders Motorcycle event $350; Caroline Community Center $10,000; ARC Grant Match (for depot restoration) $65,000; Capital Improvements at Town Hall (air condition unit) $20,000.