G&W Railway Santa Express arrives in Cheddar


The 15th Annual “Santa Express” arrived in Cheddar at 1 p.m. today (Saturday) and will be there until 2:15 p.m. for boys and girls to step on board Santa’s caboose and tell Santa what they want for Christmas. The next two stops will be Williams Street in Williamston 2:45 PM – 4:15 PM and Lyman Street (old depot site) Pelzer 4:45 PM – 7:15 PM *

*Santa plans to stay until the last person comes through the caboose to see him in Pelzer.

The Greenville & Western Railway is partnering with the Faith Food Bank of Williamston and the Belton Interfaith Ministerial Association to collect food items.
Greenville & Western encourages those who attend this year’s Santa Express event to bring a donation of one or more non-perishable food items to the train.
Greenville & Western, BIMA and FFB volunteers will be staffing the Aiken Railway caboose (the caboose directly behind the locomotives) to accept donations and thank you for your generous support of both organizations’ food ministry. Donations are not mandatory for participation in the event.