Town begins codes violation enforcement


Beginning today, Williamston Mayor Mack Durham and the Williamston Police Department are kicking off “Operation Clean Up.” Williamston Police Chief Tony Taylor said officers will be enforcing violations of the town’s codes and ordinances including tall grass/weeds and junk. For additional information regarding ordinances go to

Also anyone needing after hours services for sewer/water problems and street issues can continue to call 847-7425 and tell the call taker what the nature of the problem is regarding sewer, water or streets.

Chief Taylor said the police department does have a crime tips email for residents to email criminal tips at The email will be checked every day and will be confidential, he said.

Chief Taylor said when reporting what is believed to be an ongoing crime in the community, the more information that can be provided will assist the investigation. Who, what, when , where, etc will help he said. “This does not take the place of calling 911 for crimes in progress or if you are a victim of a crime,” the Chief said.