Williamston Town Council will hold second reading and a public hearing on the Milliken property purchase during a special called meeting Thursday, Feb. 16 at 10 a.m. Council approved first reading on an ordinance to purchase approximately 70 acres of property located within the town limits during their regular meeting Feb. 6.
Mayor Carthel Crout said that two tracts of land owned by the Milliken/Pacolet company could be used for an industrial development site and an outdoor lab site.
The 41 acre tract has frontage along the town’s mill village and First St.
As part of the purchase agreement, Milliken will grant a right of way across a portion of their property for a sewer line to access the industrial site property, Mayor Carthel Crout said.
The other tract, approximately 31 acres, is located adjacent to the Williamston Cemetery and has frontage on Williams Street. It is within 2 miles of six schools and could be developed as an outdoor labratory with a partnership with the school district, according to Crout.
The purchase price of $150,000 will come from the town’s Capital Improvement fund, according to Mayor Crout. Crout said the money is available and the town will not have to borrow money for the purchase. Related story