HELIOS team members are: Joel Alerre(WHS), Thomas Berning (PVHS), Mikaila Gossman (PHS), Jerry Harbuck (WHS), Jacob Kirchner (WHS), Aaron McPherson (WHS), Seth Medlin (WHS), Joe Prendergast (PVHS), Tyler Roper (PHS), and Jacob Wooten (BHP). The team’s college mentor is Robert Sequerth, engineering student from the University of South Carolina. The team’s adult mentors are Anderson Career Center Project Lead the Way Instructors Bryan Bacher and Sean McCullough. Winning the Excellence Award has qualified the team for the VEX World Championship in Anaheim California this April where 400 teams from across the world will be competing in the “Sack-Attack” challenge.
The Anderson Districts I & II Career & Technology Center recently attended the Palmetto State VEX Robotics Tournament at Dutch Fork Middle School. Teams from South Carolina high-schools competed in this year’s VEX robotics challenge “Sack-Attack”. The competition challenges teams to design, build, program, and drive a robot in a fast-paced 2 minute match to score points against the opposing alliance. Teams also document their build process, teamwork, design modifications, and community outreach.
The Anderson Career & Technology Center’s rookie VEX team #415-HELIOS was awarded the Excellence Award by the event judging team. The Excellence Award is presented to the team that exemplifies overall excellence in creating a well-rounded VEX robotics program. This team excels in many areas and is a shining example of dedication, devotion, hard work, and teamwork. As a strong contender in numerous award categories, this team deserves to be recognized for building a quality robot and a “team” committed to quality in everything that they do. This is the second time this season the team has been awarded the Excellence Award at a VEX competition event.